Elaine Packard
From a young age, I have found happiness in quiet little things; flowers, birds, animals and scenery and I have integrated them into my artwork. I took many art classes in my high school years and received an Art Scholarship to Rivier College (which wasn’t utilized). Later in life, time constraints of a full-time career and raising a family meant something needed to take the back seat. Life changes in recent years have allowed me the time to return to painting and crafting, which I am enjoying immensely!
I believe that continuous learning and being curious helps keep you young and I am currently discovering the beautiful subtleties and technical aspects of watercolor painting. I enjoy this medium very much, although I must admit; there have been some struggles along the way. It’s difficult for me to let go of my tendency towards realism, but it’s something on which I am working. Seascapes have become a favorite, although I am enjoying birds of prey and animals, as well!
I also paint in acrylics and have recently integrated some modern “paint pouring” techniques into my backgrounds, with some amazing results.
I hope you find a sense of peace and calmness in my artwork and allow your mind to slow down and enjoy nature, because that is what I feel when I am creating.

Ursa Major | 16x20 | acrylic | 350

Fall Golden Leaf | 16x20 | acrylic | 350

Lilacs in Blue Vase | 12x24 | acrylic | 250

Who You Looking At | 5x7 | watercolor & ink | 100

Presidential Range | 8x10 | watercolor | 200

Short Eared Owl | 8x10 | watercolor | NFS

Peony Flower | watercolor | 8x10 | 200

Bouganvillea | 12x24 | acrylic | 200

Elk in the Meadow | 5x7 | watercolor & ink | 100

Early Winter | 18x24 | acrylic | 250

Lotus Garden | 12x24 | acrylic | 200

Carousel | 8x10 | watercolor | 200

Raven | 8x10 | watercolor | 200

Frog Prince | 5x7 | watercolor | 100

Snow Leopard | 5x7 | watercolor & ink | 100

Hedwig the Owl | 11x14 | acrylic | 200

Dory on the Lake | 8x10 | watercolor | 200