michAEl mccormack


“The only journey is the journey within.”

— Rainer Maria Rilke

Somewhere along this long journey from youth to wisdom, I picked up a camera, and my heart began to beat in rhythm with the click of a shutter. At an age when most men are more concerned with golf scores and stock portfolios, I found myself surrendering to the muse, and for better or worse, have never looked back.

Photography’s transformational power lies in the ability of a picture to incite a greater desire to exist more fully as a human being. As a solitary, introverted man of few words who was struggling to establish an identity, it was during the years 1992 through 2017 that I found my voice through the soul of an “old school” film camera and a canvas bag full of ancient lenses.

Professional photographers are obsessive hoarders of time, desperate to seize isolated moments in photographs that might reveal some essential lasting truth. There were times I sincerely believed this was possible and these events inspired me like no others. Some of these moments are part of this portfolio, others have yet to be created. I am honored to display my photos through the Glimpse Gallery, and humbled by the work of so many other men and women who also heard the call of the shutter and became passionate photographers across the world.

