sandy sereno


Every painting I’ve created as an artist is one I’ve sat in front of , marveled at (really enjoyed immensely) and treasured for all the world to appreciate in it’s own unique way. The colors, lines and shapes I use enhance the art created. I appreciate capturing the warmth the subject has brought to my heart. I would love for the viewer to experience that same feeling when viewing.

Sandy is a talented and proficient artist / art instructor with over 15 years of experience creating art in a variety of mediums such as oil, acrylics, pastels, watercolor and drawing. She is knowledgeable in color theory, design and composition. She developed painting courses which allowed students to participate using various mediums stimulating the creative, emotional and spiritual side of their being.

She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from University of New Hampshire. She has taken numerous drawing and painting classes form the NH Institute of Art in Manchester, NH.



